The last week of each quarter I set aside for some collaborative learning time. We call it Genius Week.
Each Genius Hour student/group presents their project to the class. They present where they are in their project - what they have learned, how their project is taking shape, and then they choose 3 questions to ask the class for feedback. I do tell the students that they cannot choose questions that can be answered in a sentence or less... this is their time to solidify and extend their ideas, and meaningful collaboration is important.
I always say that I am blown away by my students. Each time I am! This time, I was speechless.
There were students who got up, and in front of all their peers, said - I am writing a book. Here are my characters. Here is the basic plot. Here is a scene that I wrote. Now, I have some options as to where to go. Which one would you rather read?
Putting yourself and your creativity out there like that take guts. I was beaming. Brimming with excitement - what amazing minds these students have!
And then this happened: Hi, I have this idea for a topic. It's (idea). But, I dont really know what to do with it, and I need help. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Now, before one of my students gets angry that I am gossiping about them - I'm not. Because I wasn't angry in the least that this happened. In fact, it happened more than once. It happened a LOT.
I was impressed, and inspired.
Here are kids, not just putting a creative idea "out there," but making themselves vulnerable. Truly open to criticism and critique, willing to fall flat on their face and NOT have the right answer - not even have AN answer - wanting to collaborate because they were excited about a topic. Passionate, even.
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